Monday, April 23, 2012

Can't Sleep...So Blog!

Hey guys! I am behind again and promise that I will starting doing this everyday again. I have been reading Anatomy all day and have two papers due this week. I think the stress is keeping me up! Thank goodness for my friends here though! We watched "Valentine's Day" tonight together, and it was wonderful. Then last night, my Aussie friends and I watched "The Lion King" on YouTube in French, German, Japanese and Italian. It sounds really pretty in Italian! :)  Then I told my Australian friends that I am going to make Puppy Chow for them, and they looked at me and said, "Like dog food?" They don't have wonderful Puppy Chow over here! Then I making them my Grandma White's apple pie. :D I think my friend and I are going to be planning a trip to Tasmania in June, and I am SOOO excited! I did my first speech in Australian Sign Language today, and boy was I nervous! BUT it went well, and the speech just had to be about me. I told them that I love to shop for shoes, purses and jewelry. I am my mother's daughter. Haha! Well, I better head to bed! Thanks for the support at home! :)

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