Sunday, April 1, 2012

Four Day Week!! :D

Hey guys! Sorry I am behind! I felt ill on Friday and Saturday night. I couldn't hardly get out of bed...ugh.  Anyway, my Sunday was a lot better. I just chilled all day, did laundry and some studying. After studying for a while, my friends and I made dinner together. One of my friends could not believe that Americans put creamer in their coffee. Haha! It is my guilty pleasure. I don't know about anyone else, but I love flavored creamer. :D Then after dinner, I skyped with my friends, Heather and Josh at UNL!!!!! It was soooooooo wonderful to see them, and they made me laugh so much! I am missing UNL, but I will back before I know it. Then I think of the hard classes that are waiting for me, and I snap into reality. On a side note, KU is going to the National Championship!!!! :DDDD I am so excited for them, but Kentucky will be great competition. They will need their A-game for sure. My family has been keeping me updated. Poor Matt was typing to me during the game. I am so happy for them and will be cheering them on all the way in Australia. This week is only a four day week because of our Easter break, and I have a Test on Tuesday. I am nervous because it is worth 20% of my grade. Hopefully, I do well. Plus, I figure out if I got a job or not tomorrow. I am kind of stressed out but then I think of Cairns next week! I will be SCUBA DIVING soon!!!! I am sooooooooo excited and can't wait to see the Great Barrier Reef.  I am still thinking about my Grandpa White and wish he was here to enjoy Australia with me. He is a sweetheart. Mom and my Aunt Maggie watched the KU basketball game with him at the hospital. I wish I could have been there with them and that I was spending time with him. I am now thankful that I took the time to go to his Chemotherapy treatments with him in Manhattan while I was on break. It was time together and that is what counts. Thanks for the support back home and please send prayers. You all are awesome. :)

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