Friday, April 20, 2012

Long Time No Talk

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in a while. School has been keeping me busy all week, but a lot of miracles have happened this week. I FINALLY found a job at a catering center on campus, and I will be waiting tables. I can't wait to learn more about the culture by waiting on Australians. Homesickness has been kind of bad here lately, butttt I still love it here. I am bummed that I have to start doing homework again after my wonderful trip to Cairns. But I am SO thankful to be here. On Tuesday, I had my first day of work, and we catered an event for the College of Business and Law. I got to meet the associate dean of the college, and I talked to him for a few minutes about Speech Pathology. My boss is really nice and my co-workers were great! On Tuesday, I also got to perform my first Oral Facial Examination on a child, and I did one on an adult on Sunday. Speaking of Sunday, I found a Catholic church not too far away from here, and I met a lot of Italian women. Wednesday, I got my first "A" over here, and I could not contain my excitement! haha! My tutor is happy with me, and I am starting to figure out what they want. Then yesterday, I assessed Fran's speech off "The Nanny" for class!! Hahaha! It was totally awesome. My week ended really well because I found out that my FAVORITE band is playing here in Melbourne on June 9th!! TRAIN! I am going to see them one way or another. Then I think a trip to Tasmania is in the cards later on. It is hard to travel a lot here, because Australia is a HUGE country, and everything is spread apart. Haha! You guys may not hear a lot from me in May because I have five essays due during that month. They are going to make time fly, and pretty soon I will be coming home. :( / :) I can't decide if that is good or bad because I have met wonderful people here. BUT there is NO place like Kansas. :)

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