Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I just keep going.

Hi all! I am just writing today because I know that I won't have time tomorrow! After 4 days of hard work, I FINALLY finished my Human and Animal Anthropology paper today! Yes!!!! Then I watched people eat rats today in my Culture and Globalization class...I couldn't do it....I just could not do it. Tomorrow I have the whole day off, but it is packed full of things to do. I get to go to an Aussie Rules Football game tomorrow with one of my friends, and I am sooo excited for it! All of my Aussie friends were trying to explain the rules to me, but I don't think I took much of it in. Then after the game, I am going dancing with my friends! It will be wonderful to have a night free of homework. I think that it has been a stressful week for everyone around here. Despite the hard work, I am still having the time of my life, and I don't regret this experience for one second. I am counting down to Cairns, and I can't wait for my scuba diving adventure!!! Also, my family has been keeping me posted about my Grandpa White, and things aren't looking too good. I am always thinking about my family and wish I could be there.

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