Monday, February 13, 2012

Finally There!! :)

After an extremely long and exciting trip, I have finally made it to Melbourne. On my trip, I met numerous locals and many other students traveling to study abroad. I actually met a student who is going to participate in Biological Research in Tasmania and three others studying in Perth. We all suffered through a 16 hour plane ride, one the longest flights in the world. The flight was worth it! :)
Australia is wonderful, and the people are very welcoming. I feel like I have been hit by a bus after a 26 hour trip, and the time difference is killing me. Ahhh, but I am in Australia, and LOVE it. It so beautiful and green. Only one complaint, though. The birds won't be quiet so I can get sleep. I sounds like I live in a zoo! Speaking of zoos, La Trobe University invited a reptile company to speak to international students. I saw the most poisonous snake in world, a Taipan. Anyone that knows me knows that I loath snakes, and I was squirming throughout the whole presentation. I think have had enough excitement for one day. Goodnight, everyone! :)

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