Friday, February 24, 2012


It is soo hot here! 95 degrees today. I am happy because it is warmer than Kansas, but today was hot. I really didn't do too much, but I did get enrolled in my classes. I am taking Human and Animal Anthropology, Culture and Globalization, Normal Communication and Swallowing Processes and Australian Sign Language. I am looking forward to classes starting and can't wait to learn more about the culture. Tonight all of Chisholm College went out in the city which was sooo fun! I can't wait to do it again, and I met soo many cool people. I saw so many pubs and shops that I would like to visit. Tomorrow, I am going to the Victorian Market early in the morning. I plan on buying fresh peaches...Yum! I can't wait, and I hope I get a good deal. We are going in the morning so we don't get even more burnt...HA! On a side note, I guess Kansas people have a twang. Everyone says that I say, "I am from Kansas."funny! They say that I sound like a hick. Haha. Well that's all I have for now! :)

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