Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Content

Today was an amazing day! I went to orientation sessions for students this morning and ran errands alll day. My friend, Laura, and I walked 45 minutes to the train station to get our discount cards, and they told us, "We don't sell them at this time of day."Then we walked allll the way back. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. I am getting a nice friend to take me there. Haha. The university cooked us a meal that was BBQ chicken and many salads. After the meal, I hung out with some friends, and two of them had birthdays. One of them was an American and turned 21, so she was pumped. It was great until I had to leave to help a friend. After helping a friend, I went back to my dormitory and watched "Sabrina," starring Harrison Ford. I watched the movie with my three Aussie friends, and one of them did not know who Harrison Ford was!! Well, I cultured her. Haha. We all watched the chick flick together and had so many laughs. They cultured me too!! I ate Tim Tam cookies for the first time! I am addicted. After the chick flick, we watched a movie at the university cinema with other students and had more laughs. It has be also been a great day because I got to talk to most of my family and my boyfriend. I feel happy and blessed.

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