Friday, March 16, 2012

These are the days worth living! :D

I think I am just going to post every other day now! Yesterday was AMAZING! I worked on homework all day yesterday for my hard class, Human and Animal Anthropology! We are talking about totem poles and why cultures use them. After working on homework all day, Chisholm College, my dorm, had a dance competition, and our tower WON! We performed for judges three times and went up against 11 other towers in the dorm. Our tower's theme was Mardi Gra, and it was soo much fun dressing up. All the other towers were hard competition, though! All of the dances were awesome, and I haven't laughed so hard in my life. The costumes were amazing, and my neighbor made my hair stand up! Thank goodness for hairspray! After the competition, my buds from my floor and I went dancing together. I forgot how much I love to dance, and I was surrounded by fun, amazing people. Today was good, too! I FINALLY understood my teacher in my Human and Animal Anthropology class and made a new friend in my class. Then I spent time hanging out with my Aussie friends on my floor and went grocery shopping with my good friend from Texas. Tomorrow, I am heading to the Victoria Market and going on the Ghost Tour of the prison tomorrow night. It should be extremely creepy but worth it. I am blessed to be here and thanks for reading back home. I am blessed to have all of your support! :)

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